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Ini Cara Google Adsense Support Bahasa Indonesia | Pemalas Berat

Sekarang Google Adsense Support Bahasa Indonesia ! kabar ini emang udah lumayan lama tersebar, sekitar awal bulan februari 2012 dalam website resminya google telah mencantumkan bahasa indonesia masuk dalam daftar 23 bahasa yang di support oleh adsense. Bagi para publisher adsense lokal berita ini cukup menyenangkan, tul gaa.. Berikut list 23 bahasa yang di-support adsense: Detailnya bisa agan liat dimari: . dan satu lagi info dari blog resmi adsense, yang diberi judul AdSense now speaks Indonesian "We're glad to announce that Indonesian has just joined the family of AdSense supported languages. Let�s celebrate by raising our hands in a kecak dance, watching a wayang kulit show or cooking traditional Indonesian recipes. If you have a website in Bahasa Indonesia, you'll now be able to earn money by showing Google AdSense ads. To get started, sign up for an AdSense account. We'll review your application...

Ini Cara Free $100 Ads on Facebook (just info) | Pemalas Berat

Iseng-iseng saya mencari informasi tentang Affiliate Marketing, Cara Meningkatkan Traffic Blog, dan Strategi Blogging di salah satu forum terbesar "Master The Art Of Blackhat", tapi ditengah-tengah pencarian, ada salah satu treads yang membuat saya tertarik untuk membukanya, namanya "[GET] $100 Free Facebook Advertising Credit". Informasi ini membeberkan cara singkat mendapatkan kupon gratis sebesar $100 untuk pemasangan iklan di facebook Berikut isi tread tersebut "Now many of you that have been around will know the VISA Business Network stopped their free facebook credit back in March with the Visa business application. However you can still get $100 free ad credit (I just got some now) for new facebook accounts from here directly by registering and confirming your account. After you log in you will see a link to claim your credit, click it and then click Send My Credit!" Setelah saya cek ternyata informasi tersebut memang benar adanya, dan berikut ket...

Ini Cara White House Goverment Using Drupal | Pemalas Berat

Technorati Source: Taking yet another step into widely utilizing open source technology, the Obama administration recently released its decision to use Drupal , an open source content management system, as its software of choice for the administration of . President Obama has had an ever-present push for an open and transparent government and using Drupal CMS is a definitely a great step into the right direction. According to the creator of Drupal, Dries Buytaert, "Drupal's flexibility and modularity enables organizations to build sites quickly at lower cost than most other systems. In other words, Drupal is a great match for the U.S. government". This writer couldn't agree more and has always been a rather boisterous fan of Drupal. There is something about seeing this presidential administration open its eyes to the value and importance of open source software that brings a sense of pride and hope. Here's to hoping we see more open source techno...