
Ini Cara Mengenal Kode Perintah Tambahan Pada Google | Pemalas Berat

Anda mungkin sudah tahu persis bahwa untuk melakukan pencarian pada google, anda tinggal menuliskan kata atau kalimat tertentu sesuai dengan keinginan anda, setelah itu google akan memberikan hasil pencarian yang sesuai atau mendekati kata atau kalimat yang anda tulis tadi. Tapi selain itu juga anda bisa menambahkan Kode Perintah Tambahan agar pencarian yang dilakukan oleh google dapat lebih spesifik dan lebih optimal. Berikut ini strategi blogging berbagi sebagian Kode Perintah Tambahan yang bisa anda gunakan pada mesin pencari google filetype Format FileType ini berfungsi untuk mencari informasi dengan ekstensi atau tipe file tertentu, misalnya format .pdf .xls .doc .gif .jpg dan lain sebagainya Misalnya, tulis kode perintah filetype berikut ini: "strategi blogging" filetype:pdf cache Format Cache berfungsi untuk mencari halaman website atau blog yang telah direkam pada database google. Misalnya, tulis kode perintah cache berikut ini: site Format...

Ini Cara Which of the 8 types of bloggers do I want to be? | Pemalas Berat

AlexCohen - Almost every day new blogs born and enliven the atmosphere of blogging. Every blogger trying to attract the attention of the reader through the writing uniquely created. With so many bloggers are, Strategi Blogging trying to categorize with 8 types of bloggers writing articles based on character #1 � The Tour Guide The Tour Guide doesn�t produce much original content. Instead, he culls the best of the web on a particular topic and puts it in one place. Smashing Magazine has built an entire presence on this very strategy. Admittedly, I have a weakness for graphic design #2 � The Guru The guru is an expert level author on his or her topic of interest. People flock to this blog when they�re new to the area, if they have a detailed and tough question or just to keep up on the latest developments in a field #3 � The PR Puppet Have you ever read a blog where the write-up of a particular product, website or service were just too carefully worded? The PR puppet strikes again! Th...

Ini Cara The Texas Holdem Poker | Pemalas Berat

Poker has been well known for its popularity in the world of gambling games. People often play the games in order to entertain their own self maybe because they feel bored for the daily routines. Besides being used as one entertaining activity, playing poker game would also be utilized as a means of releasing yourself from the choking madness of works or else. You can evenly increase the excitement on playing poker by visiting the website named Basictexasholdem.Com. This website primarily holds a role to be a provider for the so called Texas Holdem Poker games which gives you the free $50 after you have joined the website and played there. The website itself is really complete on features as you can also try to read the latest news happened around the world of poker gaming. It also features some links to get into several online providers of online casinos so you can easily play the games of casino right away without wasting time furthermore. Mailing list feature is also available and ...

Ini Cara The Poker Bonus Code | Pemalas Berat

Do you like playing poker game? If you do, you can surely increase the joy to gain by getting the suitable opportunity online from the internet. There are so many facilities that can be dragged from there in order to help you enjoy playing poker games furthermore. Once you have found the way to do so, playing poker would be so much fun even to the level of master. How can you start doing such mission? Well, you can certainly visit website as a starting point. In this website, you will be explained for the way to get the Bonus Code of poker games which is a golden ticket to obtain perfect gaming. There is nothing complicated found at this website. It is designed quite simple that you can directly see the features placed at the right side of the website. More information about poker games or any other related things can also be seen there. In addition, you are able to get free $50 free for joining the website. It is such a perfect way to get your gaming increased ...

Ini Cara White House Goverment Using Drupal | Pemalas Berat

Technorati Source: Taking yet another step into widely utilizing open source technology, the Obama administration recently released its decision to use Drupal , an open source content management system, as its software of choice for the administration of . President Obama has had an ever-present push for an open and transparent government and using Drupal CMS is a definitely a great step into the right direction. According to the creator of Drupal, Dries Buytaert, "Drupal's flexibility and modularity enables organizations to build sites quickly at lower cost than most other systems. In other words, Drupal is a great match for the U.S. government". This writer couldn't agree more and has always been a rather boisterous fan of Drupal. There is something about seeing this presidential administration open its eyes to the value and importance of open source software that brings a sense of pride and hope. Here's to hoping we see more open source techno...

Ini Cara Get the Best Online Casino for Your Gambling Game | Pemalas Berat

Playing online gambling game surely brings joy and fun to your life. You will have numerous choices of casino games. You also have the easiness to join the online casino. If you want to put bet on your game, you can start to play with real money. Complete service that you get on online casino will make you able to earn some fortune from your game. Even though you can win huge jackpot on your game, but you need to pick the right online casino. Among hundreds of online casinos, you can choose the wrong one and lose your money there. tries to help online gambler on choosing their online casino . This website brings reviews on online casino. The best casinos are listed on this website. You only need to pick from this list. It will lead you to the best online casino with the best services. This website also helps you to know the bonuses that you can get from each online casino. You will be able to win the biggest jackpot with the information on this website. You only...

Ini Cara Versi Terbaru Share Button Facebook | Pemalas Berat

Posting sebelumnya yaitu tentang cara meningkatkan traffic lewat 337 Daftar Layanan Video Sharing ! kali ini Strategi Blogging berbagi informasi lainnya yaitu tentang Facebook. Baru-baru ini Facebook meluncurkan versi terbaru tentang Share Button , versi ini dilengkapi dengan live counter dan analisia data. Apablia anda menggunakan Share Button Facebook pada konten! anda bisa melihat seberapa banyak jumlah share, komentar, dan klik yang mengarah langsung ke blog anda. Share Button Facebook ini bisa menjadi salah satu kontibutor penggerak traffic melalui jaringan sosial dan pihak facebook sendiri menjelaskan! pada setiap minggu terdapat sekitar 2 milyar konten yang di bagikan (share) di social network dan facebook merupakan salah satu bagiannya Untuk menginstal Share Button Facebook di blog! silahkan masuk ke halaman Widget Facebook , setelah itu pilihlah button style sesuai dengan keinginan anda (button & link). Lalu tambahkan beberapa baris kode yang telah disediakan kedalam b...